222 Press is proud to present “Other Suns”, a series of embellished prints by painter Erik Bender. “Other Suns” is an investigation of the relationship between the mediums of print and paint as well as the nature of the multiple. Bender’s edition was originally begun as a project with my former publishing project Sun Night Editions. I believe his edition is uniquely suited to act as a bridge between the two projects
Erik Bender's stark, esoteric paintings depict realms beyond the visible. His carved surfaces of loose figures and abstract symbols overlap and align into structural compositions that loom in a cosmic nowhere--bathed in moonlight.
Intersecting drawing, painting, sculpture and printmaking techniques Bender transmutes both material and subject into a physical image with a discreet and mysterious surface. Hanging heavy yet elegant on the wall like a numinous artifact, the work offers itself as a glimpse of another world.
Bender’s ability to deconstruct and reconfigure his subjects works in tandem with the spirit of the hand painted multiple. The goal was not to create a flawless edition but to use the screen printed image as a scaffold on which to hang a variety of possible solutions to the question posed. Through the varied edition Bender’s considered handling of light is shown as suns and moons travel across the frame casting shadows and illuminating select elements of the composition.
The edition is divided into 3 series of 4 works each. The first set was made in black and white on white Rives BFK, the second in black and white on gray Rives BFK, and the third is made in color on both white and black Rives BFK. All members of the edition use acrylic paint to embellish a screen print in black ink.
***20% of proceeds donated to Peoples Progams in Oakland, Ca***
Other Suns (Series I) -Erik Bender
Artist: Erik Bender
Title: "Other Suns (Series I)"
Medium: Hand-embellished Screenprint
Sheet Size: 22"x30"